Is It Any Wonder
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:48 p.m.
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I, I al ways thought that I knew
I'd al ways have the right to
be li ving on the king dom of the good and true
And so on, but now I think I was wrong
And you were lau ghing a long,
and now I look I fool for think ing you were on___
my____ side, Is it a ny won der I'm tired
Is it a ny won der that I feel up tight
Is it a ny won der I don't know what's right
Some times it's hard to know where I stand
it�s hard to Know where I am
Well, may be it's a puz zle I don't un der staaand
Some times I get the fee ling that I'm s trand ed in the wrong time
where love is just a ly ric in a child ren's rhyme, a sound bite
Is it a ny won der I'm tired, is it a ny won der that I feel up tight
Is it a ny won der I don't know what's right,
Oh these days, aft er all the mis te ry made,
is it a ny won der that I feel a fraid, is it a ny won der that I feel be trayed
No thing left be side his old ca the dral just the sad lon ely spi res
how do you make it right?
Oh but you try, is it a ny won der I'm tired,
is it a ny won der that I feel up tight,
is it a ny won der I don't know what's right
Oh these days, af ter all the mis te ry made,
is it a ny won der that I feel a fraid,
is it a ny won der that I feel be trayed